Saturday, April 18, 2009

A friend in need is a friend indeed

I remember a phrase: a friend in need is a friend indeed! Well, I kind of agree with this phrase. I feel blessful that I have several friends that when I need them the most...they can come and help me. But have I done the same thing to them? When I flashback my memory...I think I sometimes can't or won't help a friend due to several reason... I regret every single dissapointment that I have made to them.

The reason I posted this blog is because:
(1) I'm in line in the XXI and waiting my friend to come;
(2) I just discover that several of my friends went together to some hang out place yesterday and none of them have the courtesy to ask whether I care to join them.

The last point makes me recall some of my memory...that I sometimes not being asked by my friends to join in several occassion... This makes me wonder...why? What is the reason? Don't they like me? Do they think that I am only a burden if I join them? Do I let them down? Or do they think that I have other occassion and therefore not asking me to join. Well...don't know the answers of those questions since that's a question that need to be answered by them. But one thing for sure.... I know I'm not perfect and I sometimes let my friends down...And for that...I express my sincere apology!

For whatsoever the reason...I'm not going to let myself to be knock down by this coz I'm happy with myself, with my family and with my bear....



olivia said...

hmm.. kalo g termasuk dr org2 yg elu ask apology from, g maapin anda, bu :D

kidding bu. kalo g pernah ngomong salah, nulis salah, buat salah, ato pernah jd temen yg ga bae, tolong maapin jg.

(koq jd kayk lebaran ya :P)

i believe that kind of thing has ever happened to me too. sometimes my friends disappoint me, but sometimes also, it's me who disappoint them.. some mistakes i'm aware, but some i'm not.. some friendships are managed to be restored back, but some never.. the latter, some bcos i never had chance to show my regret, and some perhaps, i'm not forgiven.. not knowing what else to do, then i just pray..

at the end of the day, to help myself feel better, i just remind myself : i'm a human, it's not in her capacity to make (or always make) everyone happy.

Erwinda said...

yup...agree with you sis! sorry bos...jawabnya telat coz sibuk abis akhir ini :)

Btw...gue ga jadi ke spore soalnya outing gue jadinya ke bali bukan ke bintan..

Tapi kalau jadi neh yah...gue mau ke oz bulan juli dan pas balik mampir di spore buat transit... ntar gue kabarin lagi yah! gimana kabarmu? jadi beli alat canggih pengukur temperatur itu? :p

olivia said...

woww, asik bener, ke osi!!

hiks, pengen ikut..

bu, apa ga salah? koq transit ke spore? osi ke spore kan lewat indo, jd kalo elu transit ke osi kan artinya bolak-balik (osi-indo-spore-indo).

nyokap g bilang ga usa beli, jd g jg ga nyari2. hehe..

Erwinda said...

iya...emang tuh kalau pesawat2 ke oz...suka transitnya ke spore... padahal kan muter yah... atau mungkin karena gue makai SQ jadi nasionalis singapore sengaja muter dulu supaya bakat2 konsumerisme kita bisa keluar... hohohohoho...

olivia said...

woww.. SQ bok..

bener2 manjain diri elu ya bu di liburan kali ini :)

hehe oke d, nti kbarin g lg aja kpn. cya bu!

Erwinda said...

Justru kalau pakai SQ sekarang itu lebih murah dr pakai Air Asia soalnya dia banyak promo2 gitu ol! Dan...jauh lebih nyaman.... so pakai SQ aja :)

olivia said...

bu, visa-nya uda dapet?