Thursday, August 27, 2009

Inspirational words 2

I am responsible for how I feel and what I do. Nobidy can make me feel anything. If I have a rotten day, I am the one who allowed it to be that way. If I have a great day, I am the one who deserves credit for being positives. It is not the responsibility of other people to change so that I can feel better. I am the one who is in charge of my life

Making mistakes is something we all do, and I ama still a fine and worthwile person when I make them. There is no reason for me to get upset when I make mistake. I am trying, and if I make a mistake, I am going to continue trying. I can handle making mistake. It is okay for others to make mistakes too. I will accept mistakes in myself and also mistakes that others make.

Inspirational words 1

As promised....some of the inspirational words in my old organiser. Hope that this words could inspire you as it had inspire me!

I will survive if things are different than I want them to be. I can accept things the way they are, people the way they are, and accept myself the way I am. There is no reason to get upset if I can't change things to fit my idea how they ought to be. There is no reason why I should have to like everything. Even if I don't like it, I can live with it.

I don't have to be a certain way because of what has happened in the past. Everyday is a new day. It's silly to think that I can't help being the way I am. Of course I can! I can change!

My old organiser

Yesterday I clean one of my lockers in the office and find out my old organiser in the locker. I have this organiser as a birthday gift from my old organisation in college.

Opening the organiser really opens up several memories for me. When I enter the working environment in Ernst & Young, I have change the original organiser with several papers since the original papers have been used while I’m in college with my entire schedule for class, teaching, organisational events and meetings.

The new papers were not entirely used since I managed to have electronic agenda in my hand phone. But seeing what was written in the papers really brings up my memory when I first enter the working environment in EY and than move on to PWC. Seeing this also makes me realised how God have really put His angels to guide me all the way from FYP (First Year Professional) in EY than move to PWC as Associate 1 (Associate 45) and now as an Assistant Manager. I realised than I couldn’t make it in this position if it wasn’t for His continue guidance and support. So thank you Lord for everything!

I have also kept several papers that really meant something for me from my previous organiser in my high school years, such as:
1.Photo sticker book in which I kept several photos of myself and my friend (you know... from the photo booths in the mall). Remembering how all of them have managed to fill my world in college, high school, and junior high school. And also seeing how thin I am! OMG…I must have been around 48 Kg at that time and now I’m 58 Kg! This is also a wake up call to go to the GYM again!
2.Inspirational papers! I have written up several inspirational words from chicken soup of teenage soul that I have read in my high school year. Reading this words again…really lighten ups my day! I will share those words in other posts (Olip…as promised, I will try to update this blog regulary! hahahaha)
3.Signature papers! Ok…I admitted that I’m kind of “norak” in my early days since I always asked for signature from celebrity when they came in some of the events that my organisation made. But seeing this papers with signature on it really brings back the memories that I have in my organisational years. And I really don’t regret to be “norak” at that time so that I will have this kind of memories.
4.Expense report… In my early years of working, I kept my expense report manually in this organiser (soon I realise there is an easier way to do it which is by excel file and now I found myself not doing any expense report again!). In the report... there is a description of my wages when I entered this working world! Again…I found myself grateful for His blessings since now my wages have gone up several times from that amount… Thank you GOD!
5. Phone book which contains several names in alphabetical order. Remembering the time where hand phone is still a luxury product with limited phone book memory.
6. Business card holder which was full with business cards from hotels and sponsors when I am still active in several events in my college year.

All and all…it’s a pleasant surprise to found my old organiser yesterday and hopes that my post here will be a pleasant note for all of you today. Happy Friday!