Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Nothing to do now but I can't sleep yet...so better write something in my notes and blog :p

Right now I want to write about perception. According to Wikipedia, perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information. I think that this is too "dictionary" meaning!

Ok...I started to bored you out with dictionary meanings! So just lets get into why I want to write about this matter. I write about perception coz I'm tired with people having a perception in their mind bout me before they got to know me first (and even my best friends makes their own perception of myself which is somewhat more tiring for me)! I'm tired with people talking behind my back because of that perception. I'm tired with people moaning all the time before something really happens becoz of perception that they have build in their mind! I'm tired with people especially in the job that I have which was full with perception in their mind that makes them over re-act with something. Am tired with people who decided to give up before something really happens! I'm so damn tired with all of it!

I started to analyse....what makes all that perception happens! Perception happens through this flow: surrounding → input (senses) → processing (brain) → output (re-action)! So the roots of all that perception is the surroundings! Change the surroundings than you can change the perception!

The problem now is...how you could change the surroundings to give the right input (senses)? You can change yourself to give a better input to somebody else but even though you tried so hard to change yourself...can you ever change the surroundings??? I tried and tried and tried repeatedly but never succeed! My attempts can only change the perception of several people but can not change the surroundings and others perception! So how to change other people's perception?? The answer is still a mystery that puzzles me all the time!

So I ask myself: well Win, don't be a hypocrite...you have perception also bout your friends and others too! If you are tired...what will you do with it? Are you goin to give up and moans like everybody else???

My answer is: I'm not trying to be a hypocrite so I confess that I sometimes build my own perception bout others! But am trying my best so that perception does not blocks the right output! Am not goin to give up and start moaning bout it....but am goin to try my best to continuously change my self to be His better image. Let the surroundings have their own perception but I still have faith that day by day...that surroundings will change and give a better inputs and better perception.

To close this notes...I wanna give a good quotes that I have post earlier in my blog. This quotes is from the book Chicken Soup for the Teenage soul: I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY DAY

I am responsible for how I feel and what I do. Nobody can make me feel anything. If I have a rotten day, I am the one who allowed it to be that way. If I have a great day, I am the one who deserves credit for being positives. It is not the responsibility of other people to change so that I can feel better. I am the one who is in charge of my life!

I am the one responsible for what I feel so help me God! Need Your help to give me strength!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Inspirational words 2

I am responsible for how I feel and what I do. Nobidy can make me feel anything. If I have a rotten day, I am the one who allowed it to be that way. If I have a great day, I am the one who deserves credit for being positives. It is not the responsibility of other people to change so that I can feel better. I am the one who is in charge of my life

Making mistakes is something we all do, and I ama still a fine and worthwile person when I make them. There is no reason for me to get upset when I make mistake. I am trying, and if I make a mistake, I am going to continue trying. I can handle making mistake. It is okay for others to make mistakes too. I will accept mistakes in myself and also mistakes that others make.

Inspirational words 1

As promised....some of the inspirational words in my old organiser. Hope that this words could inspire you as it had inspire me!

I will survive if things are different than I want them to be. I can accept things the way they are, people the way they are, and accept myself the way I am. There is no reason to get upset if I can't change things to fit my idea how they ought to be. There is no reason why I should have to like everything. Even if I don't like it, I can live with it.

I don't have to be a certain way because of what has happened in the past. Everyday is a new day. It's silly to think that I can't help being the way I am. Of course I can! I can change!

My old organiser

Yesterday I clean one of my lockers in the office and find out my old organiser in the locker. I have this organiser as a birthday gift from my old organisation in college.

Opening the organiser really opens up several memories for me. When I enter the working environment in Ernst & Young, I have change the original organiser with several papers since the original papers have been used while I’m in college with my entire schedule for class, teaching, organisational events and meetings.

The new papers were not entirely used since I managed to have electronic agenda in my hand phone. But seeing what was written in the papers really brings up my memory when I first enter the working environment in EY and than move on to PWC. Seeing this also makes me realised how God have really put His angels to guide me all the way from FYP (First Year Professional) in EY than move to PWC as Associate 1 (Associate 45) and now as an Assistant Manager. I realised than I couldn’t make it in this position if it wasn’t for His continue guidance and support. So thank you Lord for everything!

I have also kept several papers that really meant something for me from my previous organiser in my high school years, such as:
1.Photo sticker book in which I kept several photos of myself and my friend (you know... from the photo booths in the mall). Remembering how all of them have managed to fill my world in college, high school, and junior high school. And also seeing how thin I am! OMG…I must have been around 48 Kg at that time and now I’m 58 Kg! This is also a wake up call to go to the GYM again!
2.Inspirational papers! I have written up several inspirational words from chicken soup of teenage soul that I have read in my high school year. Reading this words again…really lighten ups my day! I will share those words in other posts (Olip…as promised, I will try to update this blog regulary! hahahaha)
3.Signature papers! Ok…I admitted that I’m kind of “norak” in my early days since I always asked for signature from celebrity when they came in some of the events that my organisation made. But seeing this papers with signature on it really brings back the memories that I have in my organisational years. And I really don’t regret to be “norak” at that time so that I will have this kind of memories.
4.Expense report… In my early years of working, I kept my expense report manually in this organiser (soon I realise there is an easier way to do it which is by excel file and now I found myself not doing any expense report again!). In the report... there is a description of my wages when I entered this working world! Again…I found myself grateful for His blessings since now my wages have gone up several times from that amount… Thank you GOD!
5. Phone book which contains several names in alphabetical order. Remembering the time where hand phone is still a luxury product with limited phone book memory.
6. Business card holder which was full with business cards from hotels and sponsors when I am still active in several events in my college year.

All and all…it’s a pleasant surprise to found my old organiser yesterday and hopes that my post here will be a pleasant note for all of you today. Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beberapa Hal Yang Dapat Mendorongmu Untuk Tetap Bertahan !

I just make a gmail account and transfer several email from my yahoo account and found this email sent by Olip's on 25 Feb 2004... So enjoy!!!

Beberapa Hal Yang Dapat Mendorongmu Untuk Tetap Bertahan !

Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang
sepertinya sia-sia...
Tuhan tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha.

Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih
terasa pedih...
Tuhan sudah menghitung airmatamu.

Jika kau pikir bahwa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan
waktu serasa berlalu begitu saja...
Tuhan sedang menunggu bersama denganmu.

Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu
sibuk untuk menelepon...
Tuhan selalu berada disampingmu.

Ketika kau pikir bahwa kau sudah mencoba segalanya dan
tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi...
Tuhan punya jawabannya.

Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tidak masuk akal dan kau
merasa tertekan...
Tuhan dapat menenangkanmu.

Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak harapan...
Tuhan sedang berbisik kepadamu.

Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin
mengucap syukur...
Tuhan telah memberkatimu.

Ketika sesuatu yang indah terjadi dan kau dipenuhi
Tuhan telah tersenyum padamu.

Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk
Tuhan sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu.

Ingat bahwa dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A friend in need is a friend indeed

I remember a phrase: a friend in need is a friend indeed! Well, I kind of agree with this phrase. I feel blessful that I have several friends that when I need them the most...they can come and help me. But have I done the same thing to them? When I flashback my memory...I think I sometimes can't or won't help a friend due to several reason... I regret every single dissapointment that I have made to them.

The reason I posted this blog is because:
(1) I'm in line in the XXI and waiting my friend to come;
(2) I just discover that several of my friends went together to some hang out place yesterday and none of them have the courtesy to ask whether I care to join them.

The last point makes me recall some of my memory...that I sometimes not being asked by my friends to join in several occassion... This makes me wonder...why? What is the reason? Don't they like me? Do they think that I am only a burden if I join them? Do I let them down? Or do they think that I have other occassion and therefore not asking me to join. Well...don't know the answers of those questions since that's a question that need to be answered by them. But one thing for sure.... I know I'm not perfect and I sometimes let my friends down...And for that...I express my sincere apology!

For whatsoever the reason...I'm not going to let myself to be knock down by this coz I'm happy with myself, with my family and with my bear....


Can not sleep!

Arrghhh.....in a can't sleep moment! The clock already shows midnight..nut I still can't sleep! This may because of that darn cold nescafe coffee that I made... I should have made a hot cadburry chocolate instead!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Koin Penyok

Ok... I have no inspiration of what to write but since I promise that I will update this blog regularly so I think I will post an interesting article that I receive today. Here it is:

Sebuah Koin Penyok

Alkisah, seorang lelaki keluar dari pekarangan rumahnya, berjalan tak tentu arah dengan rasa putus asa. Sudah cukup lama ia menganggur. Kondisi finansial keluarganya morat-marit. Sementara para tetangganya sibuk memenuhi rumah dengan barang-barang mewah, ia masih bergelut memikirkan cara memenuhi kebutuhan pokok keluarganya, sandang dan pangan. Anak-anaknya sudah lama tak dibelikan pakaian, istrinya sering marah-marah karena tak dapat membeli barang-barang rumah tangga yang layak. Laki-laki itu sudah tak tahan dengan kondisi ini, dan ia tidak yakin bahwa perjalanannya kali inipun akan membawa keberuntungan, yakni mendapatkan pekerjaan.

Ketika laki-laki itu tengah menyusuri jalanan sepi, tiba-tiba kakinya terantuk sesuatu.
Karena merasa penasaran ia membungkuk dan mengambilnya.
"Uh, hanya sebuah koin kuno yang sudah penyok-penyok, " gerutunya kecewa.
Meskipun begitu ia membawa koin itu ke sebuah bank.
"Sebaiknya koin in Bapak bawa saja ke kolektor uang kuno," kata teller itu memberi saran.
Lelaki itupun mengikuti anjuran si teller, membawa koinnya ke kolektor. Beruntung sekali, si kolektor menghargai koin itu senilai 30 dollar. Begitu senangnya, lelaki tersebut mulai memikirkan apa yang akan dia lakukan dengan rejeki nomplok ini.

Ketika melewati sebuah toko perkakas, dilihatnya beberapa lembar kayu sedang diobral. Dia bisa membuatkan beberapa rak untuk istrinya karena istrinya pernah berkata mereka tak punya tempat untuk menyimpan jambangan dan stoples. Sesudah membeli kayu seharga 30 dollar, dia memanggul kayu tersebut dan beranjak pulang.
Di tengah perjalanan dia melewati bengkel seorang pembuat mebel.
Mata pemilik bengkel sudah terlatih melihat kayu yang dipanggul lelaki itu. Kayunya indah, warnanya bagus, dan mutunya terkenal. Kebetulan pada waktu itu ada pesanan mebel. Dia menawarkan uang sejumlah 100 dollar kepada lelaki itu. Terlihat ragu-ragu di mata laki-laki itu, namun pengrajin itu meyakinkannya dan dapat menawarkannya mebel yang sudah jadi agar dipilih lelaki itu. Kebetulan di sana ada lemari yang pasti disukai istrinya.

Dia menukar kayu tersebut dan meminjam sebuah gerobak untuk membawa lemari itu. Dia pun segera membawanya pulang. Di tengah perjalanan dia melewati perumahan baru. Seorang wanita yang sedang mendekorasi rumah barunya melongok keluar jendela dan melihat lelaki itu mendorong gerobak berisi lemari yang indah. Si wanita terpikat dan menawar dengan harga 200 dollar. Ketika lelaki itu nampak ragu-ragu, si wanita menaikkan tawarannya menjadi 250 dollar. Lelaki itupun setuju. Kemudian mengembalikan gerobak ke pengrajin dan beranjak pulang.

Di pintu desa dia berhenti sejenak dan ingin memastikan uang yang ia terima. Ia merogoh sakunya dan menghitung lembaran bernilai 250 dollar. Pada saat itu seorang perampok keluar dari semak-semak, mengacungkan belati, merampas uang itu, lalu kabur.

Istri si lelaki kebetulan melihat dan berlari mendekati suaminya seraya berkata,
"Apa yang terjadi? Engkau baik saja kan? Apa yang diambil oleh perampok tadi?"
Lelaki itu mengangkat bahunya dan berkata, "Oh, bukan apa-apa. Hanya sebuah koin penyok yang kutemukan tadi pagi".

Bila Kita sadar kita tak pernah memiliki apapun, kenapa harus tenggelam dalam kepedihan yang
berlebihan? Sebaliknya, sepatutnya kita bersyukur atas segala karunia hidup yang telah Tuhan berikan pada kita, karena ketika datang dan pergi kita tidak membawa apa-apa.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Ok...it's been 2 months since my last post. Phew....quite a long time! Well, we can thanks the busy season of auditing.

I'm trying to share a little story about my driving experience. I think that I'm not gifted to do it (same as that I'm not gifted to sing, paint, etc that relates to art).

The first time, I tried to drive alone is in the beginning of this month. I drive to AI which is still in sunter. I forgot to turn off my lamp when I move the car from the parking building to the parking lot. Hence resulted the "aki" to die....

The second time is to my office in Kuningan last week. No problem in the road and I manage to come back home... But, I have a little difficulties in the parking building and need to be help by one of my friend.

The third time, I tried to drive alone to my office yesterday. In the journey to the office, the car died in front of Tugu Tani due to one of the cable of "aki" was loose. Thank God there is one good man that help me so the car can start again. My father eventually come and tied the loose cable. On my way home, I accidentally almost hit a kid. The kid just suddenly appear and crossing the street with his bike. Thank God, I always drive slow so I manage to hit the break. The kid fell but God have help me so the kid only have minor injury.

Lesson learn: I think that my parents was right. I am not ready yet. So I will try to stop driving alone for a while... I will only drive if there is somebody next to me..... Until when? Until I think that I'm ready. God help me on this!