Sunday, April 17, 2011

God's plan

Reading my friendster's blog and notice that there are some notes that I want to share. This is one of it.

Have you ever heard a commonly verse that “GOD works in a mysterious way”? Well….kind of agree with that verse right now. I really don’t know what God’s way is for me right now.

When I’m feeling down in my work and seem to me that the only way out is out of this audit life….and seems to me that the way out was just in front of me…God give me an obstacle so I have more time to think….

When I’m feeling lift up again in my work and that I have give up over the way out and it was no longer in my mind….God give me a possible way out again…

Huaaaa….really don’t know what You want to do in my life…. But really give and trust all my life in Your hands….

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