Monday, October 27, 2008

To buy or not to buy that is the question!

Ok…this weekend is a lavish weekend. This week I have spent money like spending water. At first, I ask my friend Novi to accompany me to watch Eagle Eye in Plaza Senayan last Saturday (a good movie but a typical Hollywood movie where you could guess from the beginning that the bad guy is the computer). After watching movies, we eat Sushi Tei (Dragon Roll rules!). After that we went to Metro Department Store, where I originally intend to buy a bag since my office bag had entered its near death period. At the afternoon, Yuli join our quest in Metro Dept Store and at the end I have bought a bag and 2 office shirts (It’s all because of that Great Sale). Finish with our quest; I went to the Starbucks and order Java Chip Frappucinno while I wait for Yuli and Novi to comeback from their afternoon ritual prayers (Sholat).

Sunday, my bear have to stay at the hospital so I can’t go out on a date with him. Well, you might think that I will stay at home and take a beauty queen sleep. But in fact, I went to Kelapa Gading with my family and treat them Sushi Tei again (because I want to eat Dragon Roll again – to tell you the truth, Dragon Roll in Sushi Tei Gading 5 is bigger than in PS). After that I bought 1 more shirt and a lipstick. To tell you the truth that entire Sale really made you more consumptive than you originally are. To buy or not to buy that is the question!

Aside from all that consumerism, I think that I am not that consumptive since: (a) the last time I bought an office shirt is in December 2007; (b) my bag have enter ICU period which need immediate change; (c) not all weekend I spent with lavishness. So from the point of view to buy or not to buy, I think I have a lot of reason to support the decision of: BUY! Therefore after reviewing all of it, I think that I’m not regretting the lavishness that I have experience on the last weekend


Annz... said...

Sushi tei yg di gading itu mengecewakaaaannn.. porsinya lebih kecil drpd di PI or PS d w.. huhu..

Anonymous said...

blom pernah nyobain sushi tei di gading 5 :(
selama ini g seneng yang di PI...porsinya oke huehehehe